Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Teacher Education Intersections at TESOL 2018

One of the most interesting aspects of working as a teacher educator is the various ways it intersects with other aspects of English language education, such as teacher identity development, social responsibility, and the use of technology in formal and informal contexts. For you teacher educators who plan to attend the TESOL International Convention this year in Chicago, the Teacher Education Interest Section has some excellent intersection panels planned for you! Check them out below.

An Identity-Oriented Lens to TESOL Teachers’ Lives
1:00–2:45 pm, Wed, 28 Mar 2018

Many studies on ELT identity focus on native/nonnative speakers of English, a dichotomy neither stable nor universal. This panel highlights perspectives that construct teacher identity as intersectional, multidimensional, and contradictory. It provides teacher educators and administrators with a lens to understand teacher learning, professionalization, and ongoing negotiation/reconstruction of identities.

Education Standard 2e, Teacher Training, Technology, Apps, and Digital Resources
3:00–4:45 pm, Wed, 28 Mar 2018

Considering the 2017 TESOL Draft Teacher Education Standard 2e, the CALLIS and TEIS panel showcase what pre-/in-service teachers need to know about uses of technology, apps, and digital resources to assist teachers in their lessons, activities, instruction, assessments, and communication with co-teachers, supervisors, students and their families, and the leadership.

Integrating Social Justice Into Teacher Education
9:30–11:15 am, Thu, 29 Mar 2018

A diverse panel of TESOL experts share international and U.S.-based research and practice to address the integration of social justice topics into preservice and in-service teacher education. Topics include increasing student and teacher agency, advocacy, examining linguistic ideologies, gender, regional sociopolitical justice issues, and developing critical literacy.

You are also invited to our Teacher Education Interest Section open Business Meeting held in Chicago 2018, which is an excellent opportunity to contribute to TESOL teacher education and become involved in the organization. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, 28 March, 5:00–6:30 pm. For more information see the TESOL 2018 Schedule at a Glance. We would love to see you at these and all of the other Teacher education-related sessions in Chicago!

from TESOL Blog http://blog.tesol.org/teacher-education-intersections-at-tesol-2018/
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