Friday, August 27, 2021

5 Essential Things You Gotta Do For Back to School!

Hello everyone,

August has arrived and one way or another we will be back to school!  

Here are 5 essential things you gotta do before school starts!

1.) Take a look at your ESL pacing guide for the year.  

Gather the supplies, resources, and materials you will be needing for at least the first month.  Organize your files and your grade book so you have a clear path forward.

Whether in the classroom or distance learning it is time to think about classroom rules and consequences.  

2.)  Make and share the rules you and your students come up with and post them for all to see.  

Once you have created your classroom rules and consequences make sure you are consistent with them.  Think about the consequences and make sure they are something you can live with!

3.)  Assemble your substitute plans.  

It is not too early.  Once you have your sub plans created you won’t have to think twice about them until and unless you need them.

4.)  Get your grade book ready.  

Don’t wait, this is one of those overlooked things.  Then when you are ready to record your first assignments it becomes a big chore.  Do it now and you will be grateful later.

5.) Get a letter ready for parents and students.  

Make sure that your families know what to expect.  Welcome them to school and talk about your routines and procedures.  Ask for their volunteer help and create a ‘team’ attitude right from the start of the year.

These 5 things will give you a head start to the school year!

Happy Teaching,

Need an ESL ELD pacing guide?

This one is free!

As many of you know, I am a K-5 ELD teacher in Ashland, Oregon.  For many years I did workshops throughout my state for ESL ELD teachers.  Many ELD teachers asked me for a pacing guide so I made this. 


Each month has a combination of ELD units and/or grammar components essential for English learners. Again choose some or all of what I have here. Feel free to mix it up to suit you!


♥If I have a product that contains all or parts of the language I teach during that month I have listed it. All resource images are clickable links for your convenience. Just click on the image you want to see and it will take you to my TPT store.♥  I use these products according to language level more than grade level.  Each column represents a language level.  The column has language grammar, forms, and functions I teach for that level.  Under the column heading, I list products I use to teach those language components.  Some of the products may have a grade level on them, but I have used it at that language level based on the language I am teaching students at that level.

💜Every classroom is different!

💜Every teacher teaches differently, and I tried to create this year-long curriculum map with many different types of classrooms and teachers in mind. 

I know you may need to tweak this to the needs of your students, classroom, and district.


DO IT! Make it work for you. 

For example, March is a testing month for me. If you need to switch months around to meet your testing time, that is just fine. Do what is best for your students in your classroom.

💜💜💜💜The whole year is planned out for you!


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from Fun To Teach – Grammar, Language, Math, ESL/ELD, Spanish, Reading, Writing, Centers and more! essential things for back to school.html
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