Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Using Songs and Chants in the ELD Classroom

Ready to engage your English Language Learners?

Songs and Chants are a dynamic part of an ESL lesson. Songs/ Chants set the stage for the lesson and help focus English Language Learners – ELLs – on the vocabulary and grammatical structure you are teaching.
Here is a simple lesson plan to use to get your second language learners – English newcomers to advanced language learners singing and focusing on all of your language lessons!  
GROUPING: Whole class
OBJECTIVE: To introduce a song/chant
• Student copies of the song/chant
• The song/chant written on chart paper
• Sing or chant the song first to your students
• Focus on pronunciation
• Anchor your student’s attention by teaching your students to always “look at my mouth.” Help them make the correct mouth and facial movements as you help them pronounce words correctly
• Hand out mirrors and see if your students can make their mouth “look like yours” when pronouncing new words or difficult sounds

VARIATION: Gesture as you sing Sing one part more than once

I hope you have fun with students while engaging them in every lesson you teach using Songs and Chants!
Happy Teaching!
Need more lesson plan ideas?  Click here!

from Fun To Teach Blog and Chants for ESL.html
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